The Post And Courier January 25, 2011: Protecti...
"HACKENSACK, N.J. -- Arnold Hershbain, 64, leads a Cedar Grove, N.J., company, Fabrictech International, that makes mattress and pillow protectors. But to hear Hershbain talk, they really should be called...
The Post And Courier January 25, 2011: Protecti...
"HACKENSACK, N.J. -- Arnold Hershbain, 64, leads a Cedar Grove, N.J., company, Fabrictech International, that makes mattress and pillow protectors. But to hear Hershbain talk, they really should be called...
Furniture World July 5, 2010: Fabrictech Rebran...
"Fabrictech International, a leader in health and allergy protection in the sleep products industry announced that it has completed the re-branding of its premium protection lineup called PureCare, which highlights...
Furniture World July 5, 2010: Fabrictech Rebran...
"Fabrictech International, a leader in health and allergy protection in the sleep products industry announced that it has completed the re-branding of its premium protection lineup called PureCare, which highlights...