person napping on couch

The Mind-Body Benefits of Napping—Plus 3 Simple Tips to Make Napping Easier

We’ve all heard it before—If you’re feeling tired, take a nap! But why is napping so important? In honor of Sleep Awareness Week by the National Sleep Foundation, we’re here to explore a few of the top mind-body benefits of taking a nap, plus three easy tips to make it easier to introduce a regular nap (or two!) into your everyday routine.

Mind-Body Benefits of Taking a Nap

Granted, there are a lot of incredible health benefits of regular nap-taking. In fact, studies have shown that those who make napping a regular part of their daily life tend to experience better mental health, reduced blood pressure, and better sleep quality. And that’s not all. Additional mind-body benefits most commonly reported include:

person stretching out on bed

Improved Alertness

If you’re feeling drowsy or sluggish, taking a nap can help you get back on track. A short power nap has been known to reduce fatigue, improve alertness, and boost your overall focus and productivity in the short-term.

Unsure of how long your “power nap” should be? According to the NSF, 15-20 minutes tends to be ideal for most adults. It’s long enough to help you recharge but short enough to prevent you from entering the deeper sleep stages that could make you drowsier upon waking. A good rule of thumb is to avoid napping any longer than 30 minutes.

Reduced Stress

Feeling overwhelmed? Studies show that regular naps may reduce stress levels and improve your mood. Not only that, but taking regular naps can also improve your heart health, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Improved Memory Processing

Did you know that taking a nap can actually boost memory recall? Mounting research suggests that taking regular naps can make processing memories and information easier by helping to reinforce neural connections within our brains.

This means that when we take naps regularly, we’re able to retain information for longer periods of time which can be beneficial when learning a new skill, a foreign language, and for remembering important information related to work or school projects.

person in bed hugging pillow

3 Easy Tips for Making Napping Easier

As much as we love the idea of getting some extra shut-eye during the day, many of us struggle to make naps a regular part of our daily routine. To help make your journey to your best-slept self a little easier, we’ve pulled a few of our favorite nap-taking tips to get you started.

Set an Alarm

To ensure that your nap does not exceed the 15-30 minute timeframe you’re aiming for, set an alarm before lying down so that you don’t oversleep and wake up feeling groggy or disoriented. If possible, use a soothing alarm sound like birds chirping instead of loud buzzing sounds which could shock your system awake.

Get Comfy

Let’s be honest, the more comfy you are, the more likely it is that you’ll fall asleep. To make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, grab your favorite blanket, a supportive pillow, and find a spot with good air circulation and minimal noise.

Bonus Tips: Avoid bright, unnatural lighting. A dark, quiet space with just a hint of natural light is ideal for most power naps but, if you struggle to find a good spot that fits the bill, try a comfy eye mask to help block out bright lights. Also, don’t underestimate the power of a weighted blanket designed to help you relax and help you fall asleep faster.


After settling into your comfy napping spot, take some deep breaths while slowly scanning each part of your body from head to toe; this simple relaxation exercise allows all muscles in the body to relax more deeply before you doze off, which can make your nap easier to settle into.

Love a good tutorial? We do too. Check out this fantastic Beginner’s Body Scan Meditation from our friends at Mindful to see how this relaxation technique is done!

woman resting under floral comforter

Better Sleep Wellness at Purecare

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